“Engagement first will lead to motivation and then achievement”⠀
I highly believe in this idea, which is why I created Build-A-Project. If students are engaged in what they are doing, they will be motivated, learn the content better, be more willing to participate, and succeed in what they are doing. ⠀
How to do this:⠀
It’s worth it to learn you’d child’s learning style. This could be through observation or they could take a simple test to determine their learning styles (there are many kid-friendly versions online). After you learn their style, you could implement how they learn in your lessons. ⠀
Here are the most common types of learners:⠀
-Kinethetic ⠀
Children could be a mixture of these types as well. ⠀
But don’t feel your child’s learning style is all you have to implement! It’s important to present lessons in a variety of ways so they could get used to it, but at the very least you could know how to captivate them!⠀
All projects I have created are engaging, hands on, teach in a variety of ways, applicable to real-life skills, and most importantly teach the content! ⠀