In Kindergarten, students are really developing their foundation for reading and writing. I love Kindergarten because the students’ progress from the beginning of the year to the end of the year is very dramatic. They improve drastically and it’s really fun to see. ⠀
Concepts Kindergartners should work on: ⠀
-Reading ⠀
-Writing (at the beginning of the year children may just write symbols, but will develop into words and sentences throughout the year. They should practice 3-4 times a week.)⠀
-Math: addition, subtraction, word problems, time, 3D shapes, counting by 10s, counting to 100⠀
-Science: animal adaptations, pushes and pulls, weather⠀
-Social Studies: maps, calendar, community workers, national landmarks ⠀
Ways to teach these concepts:⠀
-For all grades I personally like thematic teaching. It’s best to pick a topic through science or social studies and use that topic to teach everything else (math, writing, reading) ⠀
-Projects: falling under the realm of thematic teaching, projects are a great way to help teach in this way⠀
-Hands-on: I believe students should learn through hands-on in all grade levels⠀
-Pairing physical activity with learning ⠀
-Teaching in different ways (videos, crafts, games, etc) ⠀
