I’m continuing my series on what each grade level should work on or needs to know. Please check previous posts for Pre-School through First Grade information. ⠀
Second Graders are becoming more independent and accelerating their learning. They are becoming experienced writers, mathematicians, and readers. Students are able to read longer books, are able to start researching and develop their critical thinking skills (a great time to implement Build-A-Project projects🙂). ⠀
Note: These are general guidelines for second graders. Of course children could be working towards this or ahead, however this is a baseline in case support is needed. ⠀
Concepts Second Graders should work on: ⠀
-Reading: Asking questions (who, what, when, where, why, how), fables and folktales, poems, points of view in a story⠀
-Writing: recall information, informational writing, persuasive, narratives, recount information from a story, ask and answer questions, adjectives, adverbs, past tense , dictionary practice ⠀
-Math: multiplication, addition and subtraction within 20, 3 digit place value, count to 1,000 by 5s, 10s and 100s, measuring by centimeters, inches, feet and meters, graphs, fractions ⠀
-Science: plants, animals, compare and contrast plants and animals, bodies of water⠀
-Social Studies: learn concept of long ago, map skills, North American elements (rivers, Great Lakes, etc), U.S. laws, resources and food production, heroes from the past (George Washington, Jackie Robinson, Marie Currie, Albert Einstein)⠀
Ways to teach these concepts:⠀
🌀Implement projects⠀
🌀Give students choices on how they learn⠀
🌀Teach through games ⠀
🌀Compare and contrast activities ⠀
🌀Science models and illustrations