When teaching a topic I always like to connect it to as many real-life situations and content areas as possible. This helps make it relevant for children. The more they can make connections to what’s around them and other stuff they are learning, the more they will retain the content and apply it to their lives. That’s why all my projects include several content areas in one project. This is also great because if you are trying to teach more than one concept or idea you can connect it with one another.
Have I confused you yet? Let me give you an example. The Anatomy and Health Project is mainly science, however the project includes writing, art, and media. All the activities for these subjects are connected with one another but still point back to the main idea of the project.
Or in the How to Eat Fried Worms project...it is mainly reading, but included vocabulary, math, writing, and other content areas. For math, students are writing worm recipes and measuring ingredients to make worm cookies.
I love teaching this way because I could see the lightbulbs go on when my kids make connections.